Genre for Film: Action
It is finally official! Our genre of choice for our film is action! Our group loves action movies, like John Wick, James Bond, and Top Gun. Though our favorite action movie is the new Batman movie on HBO Max. These movies are so amazing and really gave us a wonderful baseline for what our movie should look like. Although action was our most favorable genre, we almost chose a few different genres. One of the choices we favored was the thriller genre. The thriller genre is remarkably similar to action. The action and thriller genre often are blurred because action movies tend to have a lot of thrilling moments in them. But for our movie, where characters rob a bank, action seems appropriate. It does not seem like we need to tweak our pitch. Not a big tweak at least. We have always had the plan of doing a bank robbing film. Action seemed perfect and fit the best to our pitch. We are super excited to continue planning especially since we all know that each one of us has great ideas. We know each other so well and make a great film crew. With the combination of everybody's ideas, we can make a great film. We wish we did not have to limit it to 5 minutes. Despite that, we are so happy to continue working on the film!
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