Production Blog: Finishing Touches

  Today I decided to do a little film review and put some final touches on my film to ensure that it is the best quality possible. After reviewing my film many times, I noticed that there were a few key things I could touch up on. The main things I saw is the need to fix many of the editing aspects in the film including making it simpler and removing unnecessary special effects. I noticed the music was a little off and the fact that it should only be used in scenes that actually need it rather than being forced. I fixed these points of emphasis by going back into the film and fixing some of these little things. Because most of these problems were with editing and not the film itself, they were relatively easy to fix. Going back and reviewing the film again, I had also noticed the special effects were a little forced and decided to get rid of them completely as they did not add to the film as intended. To address the music issue, I had cut down music to scenes that needed them most, limiting overlap with music in between scenes and keeping it plain and simple. Tweaking these small issues made a big difference and I am happy I went back and made the necessary changes where needed. And with that, my film is complete! I could not be happier on how things turned out and I believe that me and my groups film is better than the rest! After months of preparing and researching and planning, my film is complete, and I could not be prouder of the way things turned out.


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