Production Blog: Editing Again

Today we decided that we should try and finish up on the editing that we had not completed in our last session together. This included integrating the music and trimming clips to make sure that we can fit the opening scene within our 2 minute time constraint. This was a difficult task as we have not completely finished filming and had to estimate some of the parts in order to fit what we will be filming later. We planned out the scenes that were to be filmed later first to have an estimate of how short we needed to cut the clips we already have. Once we did this we got to editing and were able to do enough editing to have plenty of space for the future clips and also saved copies of the clips we edited just incase we needed to fill in extra time. Next we sampled the music over our film to see if it fit what we were trying to achieve. It worked and we made adjustments as needed. There was little more we could do with the film we have now and just re-watched and made small adjustmen...